Category Archives: Bar/Shop Reviews
Hayseed has an identity crisis
On our return trip from Vermont this past weekend we decided to take a route that would bring us to Freeport, Maine so we could finish up some schools shopping for my oldest who’s heading to Kindergarten. My wife suggested we make a detour to stop at Hayseed in Hampton, New Hampshire for lunch, sounded […]
American Fresh Brewhouse at Assembly Row
Lunch and a brewery tour in Rockland, Maine
Sometimes the most unlikely places are hidden gems for craft beer
I try not to be the guy who judges a book by it’s cover, but more often than not that’s what I do, and in my defense I’m right more often than not, but occasionally my snap judgments fail me. I recently encountered one of those moments when I judged unfairly. I took the family […]
Crossroads Beverage Co. brings “Beer Cave” to Newport
Crossroads Beverage Company opened last week in Newport, Maine, owned by Eric Mihan, Crossroads is the sister store to Bangor Wine and Cheese. The store is located at 66 Main Street in a new shopping center near the intersection of Route 2 and the Moosehead Trail, also not far from the on/off ramp for I95 […]
Lobster Pound Brewpub, why didn’t I think of that?
Bar Harbor Beer Works needs work
Craft Beer Cellar Belmont, the silver lining to a trip to IKEA
My wife and I have been planning a trip down to Ikea in Stoughton, Massachusetts for a while now, heading down to go shopping didn’t bother me too much, although if you’ve ever shopped at IKEA you’ll understand when I say it’s the most confusing store in the world, I had to leave a trail of […]
Black Bear Microbrewery Tour
The deeper I get into this blog the more you will all learn about me so now is not the time to be in denial, my name is Chad Lothian and I am a Beer Geek. I already feel better now that it’s out in the open. Being a beer geek I can tell you […]