Category Archives: Reviews
A tour of the Maine Malt House
Aroostook County Brewfest is one to mark on next years calendar
Hayseed has an identity crisis
On our return trip from Vermont this past weekend we decided to take a route that would bring us to Freeport, Maine so we could finish up some schools shopping for my oldest who’s heading to Kindergarten. My wife suggested we make a detour to stop at Hayseed in Hampton, New Hampshire for lunch, sounded […]
That time I had an Existential Crisis and enjoyed it
To be clear, I haven’t been pondering my self worth, my direction or what the meaning of life is but I have been sipping beers at Orono Brewing Company again, and their existential crisis is much easier to deal with. Name: Existential Crisis Brewed By: Orono Brewing Co. Style: Hibiscus Saison ABV: 5.1% Pours a bright copper […]
Distilled in Maine: A look at Maine’s history with hooch
Wet Hot American Wheat Ale
Ten rare beers to be poured at Allagash Event in May
Last April I collaborated with beer minded folks from around the state of Maine in The Maine Dream Team-up Project. I asked each participant four questions about who they would like to see in a brewery collaboration, question four was “Free for all! Anything goes here as long as there is 1 Maine brewery involved.” […]
Puzzle Pax: a reusable six pack carton you build at home
Coaster Critique: Henniker Brewing – Amber Apparition
Name: Amber Apparition Brewed by: Henniker Brewing Company Style: American Amber Ale ABV: 5.2% Pours a very deep copper color, shadowy approaching brown when held to the light the beer glows ruby red with a ghostly haze that might resemble an apparition in your glass. Smell like grains, fresh baked bread followed by a pleasant, […]