Tag Archives: Central Street Farmhouse

Maine Homebrew Competition winner to be announced Friday

The Maine Homebrewers Competition judging has come to an end, 41 beers were entered into this year competition, the first round of judging narrowed the field to 10 finalists. This years finalists: Jerry Robichaud – Hilda’s Wheat Beer Jerry Robichaud – Bangor Dunkel Marlon Arce – Cucumber Pils Dave Rocker – “Session IPA” Jason Fitzgerald […]

14 Breweries lined up for inaugural brewfest in Old Town

I’ll be honest, when I heard the Old Town Elks Club was hosting a brewfest I was a bit skeptical, it seems everyone is attempting a brewfest these days, but I paid the Elks a visit recently to find out what they are planning and this festival seems to have potential. The Brewfest is happening […]

The Maine Homebrewers Competition returns in 2016

After a two year hiatus, Central Street Farmhouse has announced the return of the Maine Homebrewers Competition. Central Street Farmhouse will begin accepting submissions on February 22, 2016, you can find info and submission forms on their website, the deadline for submissions is March 4, 2016 at which time judging will begin. On March 10, 2016 […]

Professional and Amateur brewers battle it out in Bangor

The Central Street Farmhouse is hosting Homebrewtoberfest: The Pro-Am Edition on Saturday, October 17, 2015 from Noon-3pm in their pocket park. Homebrewtoberfest is a Pro-Am homebrew event but not a judged competition, so maybe “Battle it out” was a little dramatic but there are still bragging rights on the line. It’s about bringing together professional […]

A chat with the History on Tap winner about an uncommon beer

Back in July the Central Street Farmhouse was collecting submissions for the History on Tap Homebrew Competition. This collaborative effort between the Bangor Historical Society and Geaghan Brothers Brewing Company asked homebrewers to brew a beer with traditional ingredients, methods or in historical styles. The winning entry would win a $100 Gift Card to Geaghan’s […]

New homebrew competitions being held in June and July

Are you or someone you know a homebrewer? If you are or know someone who is, you might be interested to know that there are two upcoming homebrew competitions: Inaugural Flag Day Homebrew Competition hosted by Atlantic Brewing Company Where: Atlantic Brewing Company When: Flag Day, Sunday, June 14, 2015 What: A laid back homebrew […]

Big Brew Day in Downtown Bangor to celebrate National Homebrew Day

The American Homebrewers Association(AHA) hosts Big Brew Day on the first Saturday of May each year. This year Big Brew Day is on May 2, 2015. AHA Big Brew Day is a celebration of National Homebrew Day which went into effect in 1988 and is officially May 7th. Each Year the AHA invites people and homebrew […]

Brewer apprenticeship: bridging the gap from hobby to profession

Orono Brew Company is quickly approaching the point that grains can be mashed in, hops added, yeast pitched and beer consumed. Their brewhouse fabrication is complete and will be arriving any day now, if it hasn’t already, the tasting room is nearly complete, but is the brewer ready? I sat down with Asa Marsh-Sachs at […]

What is a Growler? and other growler questions answered

In the past I’ve written about laws concerning growler fills, how to clean your growler and I’ve even reviewed a stainless steel growler but I haven’t spent any time explaining “what is a growler?” and some of the basics surrounding them. Growler: A reusable vessel that’s purpose is to transport beer (possibly cider, Kombucha) from keg […]

Refunds and Upgrades for Kahbrewfest ticket holders

  Due to unforeseen events the venue for the Kahbang Music and Arts Festival has had to change and will now be taking place in Portland, Maine instead of Bangor, Maine. Due to difficulties in switching venues at such short notice the Kahbrewfest will unfortunately have to be cancelled this year. Individuals who purchased Kahbrewfest […]