Tag Archives: Christmas
Coaster Critique: Southern Tier 2XMAS
On the tenth day of Beermas: Name: 2XMAS Brewed by: Southern Tier Brewing Company Style: Winter Warmer ABV: 8% Pours a deep copper pushing light brown that glows ruby red when held to the light. Pour produced a short off-white head. The nose tells me this will be a spiced up beer, cinnamon and ginger […]
Coaster Critique: 21st Amendment Fireside Chat
On the ninth day of Beermas: Name: Fireside Chat Brewed By: 21st Amendment Style: Winter Spiced Ale ABV: 7.9% Pours a deep, dark brown approaching black, when held to the light the beer glows dark red. pour produced a thick, off-white head that left lacing down the glass. A pleasant smelling beer that nails the […]
Coaster Critique: Rising Tide d’hiver
On the eighth day of Beermas: Name: d’hiver Brewed by: Rising Tide Brewing Company Style: Spiced Ale ABV: 7.5% The beer pours a shadowy black-brown color that glows red-gold when held to the light, pour produced a thick khaki colored head that settled but never disappeared. Smells like dark rye bread, caramel sweetness, a bit […]
Coaster Critique: Ridgeway Brewing Reindeer’s Revolt
On the seventh day of Beermas: Name: Reindeer’s Revolt Brewed By: Ridgeway Brewing Style: English Christmas Ale ABV: 6% Reindeers Revolt pours a golden-copper color with red highlights when held to the light. The beer is slightly hazy in the glass and the pour raised a frothy, white head. Nose is malt forward, whole grain […]
Coaster Critique: SoMe Brewing Cinnamon Toast
On the sixth day of Beermas: Name: Cinnamon Toast Brewed by: SoMe Brewing Company Style: American Pale Ale ABV: 6% Pours a red-copper color with bright golden highlights when held to the light. The beer is crystal clear in the glass, carbonation is visible sliding to the top to support a thick, khaki colored head. […]
Coaster Critique: The Traveler Beer Co. Jolly Traveler
On the fifth day of Beermas: Name: Jolly Traveler Brewed By: The Traveler Beer Co. Style: Winter Shandy ABV: 4.4% Pours a bright copper color with red highlights, crystal clear in the glass with a bone white head that faded slowly leaving lacing down the glass. The nose is pleasant, fruit, spices and a hint […]
Coaster Critique: Magic Hat Snow Roller
Coaster Critique: Goose Island Festivity Ale
On the second day of Beermas: Name: Festivity Ale Brewed by: Goose Island Beer Co. Style: Brown Ale ABV: 7.7% Pours a light brown with golden highlights when held to the light. slightly hazy in the glass with a tan colored head that left lacing down the glass. Smells bready, a caramel sweetness and a touch […]
Coaster Critique: Anchor Brewing Our Special Ale
On the twelfth day of Beermas….. Name: Our Special Ale Brewed by: Anchor Brewing Company Style: Winter warmer ABV: 5.5% Our special ale pours black, but when held to the light takes on a deep crimson color, with a rocky off white head that slowly settled to a thin rim around the glass. Smells of […]