Tag Archives: Marshall Wharf
Coaster Critique: Marshall Wharf/NDH Scarlet Leather
Name: Scarlet Leather Brewed By: Marshall Wharf Brewing in collaboration with Nocturnem Draft Haus Style: Imperial red ale ABV: 7% Pours very clear, a deep amber color with red and gold highlights and a short off white head. The nose is full if Citra hops, juicy, fruity hop aroma. Initial sip is sweet, malty, caramel […]
The Maine Dream Team-up Project: Carla Companion
Carla Companion is a craft beer lover and investigator of all things beer. She started a craft beer website and blog www.thebeerbabe.com in 2007, sharing her thoughts as she explored what was new in beer, as well as brewery visits, trips and “beer adventures.” Moving to Portland in 2009, she found herself surrounded by the […]
The Maine Dream Team-up Project: Richard England
Richard England has been the Craft Beer Manager at Hogan Road Deli for almost 2 year. Hogan Road Deli is a Deli/Convenience Store with an impressive selection of craft beer, cider, mead, and wine from the all over U.S. and abroad. Website Twitter: @hoganroaddeli Facebook: Hogan Road Deli What is your all Maine brewer dream […]
The Maine Dream Team-up Project: Matt Delamater
The Maine Dream Team-up Project: Tom Madden
Madden Beverage was founded in December 2003 and carries over 850 craft beers from all corners of the globe. Madden Beverage is a family run business that is staffed with enthusiastic and knowledgeable hop-heads. They offer mixed six packs, kegging equipment, home brewing supplies, and bring in all the limited release products they can get […]
The Maine Dream Team-up Project: Drink’n Think’n
Drink’n Think’n is a Maine based podcast hosted by Ben Lizzotte, Ryan Poland and the one and only Tony C. The trio of hosts met while attending the University of Southern Maine and decided to record their thoughts after an evening of imbibing at the Sebago Brewpub in Gorham, Drink’n Think’n was born. Never claiming […]
The Maine Dream Team-up Project
The beer geek in me loves to see brewers collaborating. Some of the most creative and inspired beers are the result of brewers putting their heads together and sharing their expertise of ingredients, styles and techniques. I’ve often found myself thinking about whom I’d like to see team up and brew a beer and I […]
Two pieces of emergency legislation correct problem liquor laws
This week two pieces of legislation pertaining to issues with current liquor laws passed through the house and became laws. LD 1763 is “An Act To Make Available to the Public Certain Information Concerning the Alcohol Content of Malt Liquor, Wine and Spirits”. This was a piece of emergency legislation that came from the suddenenforcement […]
Black Bear Brewing in Orono restructures brew team
Last September things started changing at the Black Bear Brewery in Orono, Maine. The taproom expansion allowed for a larger bar, more tables, a small stage and space for darts and foosball. The transition made Black Bear’s taproom feel less like the place you ran in to fill your growler and get a sample of […]