Tag Archives: New Hampshire
Hayseed has an identity crisis
On our return trip from Vermont this past weekend we decided to take a route that would bring us to Freeport, Maine so we could finish up some schools shopping for my oldest who’s heading to Kindergarten. My wife suggested we make a detour to stop at Hayseed in Hampton, New Hampshire for lunch, sounded […]
New England Brewfests – 2015
This is the third year I’ve put together a list of New England Brewfests and like years past the list is not complete, there are festivals that haven’t updated their websites or officially announced their dates so this list is a work in progress. If you know of a brewfest that has been announced that […]
Sometimes the most unlikely places are hidden gems for craft beer
I try not to be the guy who judges a book by it’s cover, but more often than not that’s what I do, and in my defense I’m right more often than not, but occasionally my snap judgments fail me. I recently encountered one of those moments when I judged unfairly. I took the family […]
Coaster Critique: Henniker Brewing – Amber Apparition
Name: Amber Apparition Brewed by: Henniker Brewing Company Style: American Amber Ale ABV: 5.2% Pours a very deep copper color, shadowy approaching brown when held to the light the beer glows ruby red with a ghostly haze that might resemble an apparition in your glass. Smell like grains, fresh baked bread followed by a pleasant, […]
An eye opening visit to Sea Dog Brewing Bangor
Guest Review: Blue Lobster / Prairie Artisan, Little Lobster on the Prairie
I met Ashleigh and Kristie of Two Girls, One Beer at this year’s Beer Bloggers Conference in Boston. I’ve enjoyed their New Hampshire based beer blog so much that i asked them to guest post for me, now i’m trying to plan a trip to Portsmouth to pick up a bottle of this beer! Cheers […]
New England Brewfests 2013
New England Brewfests This list of Brewfests is a work in progress, I will continue to update this list as I learn of new Festivals. I do not endorse any of these festivals, I have not attended all of these festivals, this is just a compilation of upcoming events. If you see something missing please contact me […]