Tag Archives: Vermont
A long time favorite surpassed
It’s been a week since I got home, but It wouldn’t have been a trip to Vermont without bringing back some Heady Topper, I picked up my four pack at the Craft Beer Cellar in Waterbury, just across the street from the Prohibition Pig where The Alchemist Brewpub used to be before Hurricane Irene. Since the […]
Sampling Vermont beers in the middle of Lake Champlain
This past weekend I packed up the family and headed to Vermont to attend my Cousin’s wedding. The wedding was Saturday afternoon so we had to some time in the morning to do something around Burlington. We headed to August First in Burlington for breakfast, a great little bakery with locally sourced ingredients. We fueled […]
New England Brewfests – 2015
This is the third year I’ve put together a list of New England Brewfests and like years past the list is not complete, there are festivals that haven’t updated their websites or officially announced their dates so this list is a work in progress. If you know of a brewfest that has been announced that […]
Coaster Critique: Magic Hat Dream Machine
Name: Dream Machine Brewed By: Magic Hat Brewing Company Style: IPL (India Pale Lager) ABV: 5.7% Pours super clear, bright golden straw color with a short, pure white head. Smells of light, crackery malts, a touch of caramel and hops. Hops smell of earth, tree bark, fresh cut grass and just a hint of citrus […]
Coaster Critique: The Shed Brewery Nosedive
Name: Nosedive Brewed By: The Shed Brewery (Otter Creek Brewing Co.) Style: Porter ABV: 6.75% Nosedive is black, when held to the light it takes on a deep crimson color; pour produced a short khaki colored head. The smell immediately reminds me of a freshly opened bag of coffee beans, baked bread, dark chocolate and […]
The Vermont Brewers Festival
This weekend on the shore of Lake Champlain, in Burlington Vermont there is an event being held that I hold near and dear to my heart. The Vermont Brewers Festival, this two-day, three session brewfest is the longest running outdoor festival in America and is entering its 21st year. The Vermont Brewers Festival is […]
Coaster Critique: Fiddlehead Brewing, Ryezome
Name: Ryezome Brewed By: Fiddlehead Brewing Company ABV: 4.7% I picked up this growler of Ryezome from the Fiddlehead Brewery tasting room while visiting family in Vermont, their beer is not available in Maine. Ryezome pours a cloudy yellow/gold color; pour raised a short, bone white head that fell pretty quickly. This beer looks like […]
Coaster Critique: 14th Star, Valor Ale
Name: Valor Ale Brewed by: 14th Star Brewing Co. Style: Amber 14th Star is one of Vermont’s Newest Breweries located in St. Albans, Vermont the owners are both US Army Veterans and Valor ale is their tribute to those who serve in the armed forces. A percentage of the proceeds from Valor Ale go to […]
Coaster Critique: Hill Farmstead, Double Citra
Name: Double Citra Brewed by: Hill Farmstead Brewery ABV: 8% Style: American Imperial Pale Ale Hill Farmstead is not available in Maine; I picked up a growler at the brewery on a recent trip through Vermont. Poured very cloudy, yellow/gold in color with a fluffy white head that left lacing down the glass. Smells incredible, […]