Tag Archives: Winter
Coaster Critique: The Traveler Beer Co. Jolly Traveler
On the fifth day of Beermas: Name: Jolly Traveler Brewed By: The Traveler Beer Co. Style: Winter Shandy ABV: 4.4% Pours a bright copper color with red highlights, crystal clear in the glass with a bone white head that faded slowly leaving lacing down the glass. The nose is pleasant, fruit, spices and a hint […]
Coaster Critique: Geaghan Brothers Brewing, Penobscot Icebreaker
Name: Penobscot Icebreaker Brewed by: Geaghan Brothers Brewing ABV: 6.9% Purchased: Geaghan’s Pub and Brewery A couple of weeks ago my wife was heading over to Geaghan’s for a work function, I asked her to bring along one of my empty “Bangor bottles” for a refill. I heard the Icebreaker was drinking really nice over […]
Coaster Critique: Anchor Brewing, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
On the Twelfth day of Beermas…… Name: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Brewed by: Anchor Brewing Company Style: Winter Warmer ABV: 5.5% Bottle/Draft: 12oz Bottle Every year since 1975 Anchor brewing has put out a Christmas ale and every year the recipe is different, I always try to find a bottle and this […]
Coaster Critique: Weyerbacher Winter Ale
On the Seventh day of Beermas….. Name: Weyerbacher Winter Ale Brewed by: Weyerbacher brewing Company ABV: 5.6% Purchased: Bangor Wine and Cheese Pours a deep brown with reddish highlights, raised a small khaki colored head. Smells very malty with some caramel sweetness, maybe a hint of dark fruit, I’m not detecting any hops. This is […]
Coaster Critique: New Belgium Snow Day
Coaster Critique: Peak Organic Winter Session Ale
On the Fourth day of Beermas….. Name: Winter Session Ale Brewed by: Peak Organic Brewing ABV: 5% Bottle/Draft: 12oz Bottle Purchased: Burby and Bates, Orono, Maine Pours a deep reddish-copper color, very clear in the glass, produced a short white head. Smells very hop forward, nice floral, citrusy aroma. Picked up some toasted malt through […]
Coaster Critique: Sebago Brewing Slick Nick
On the second day of Beermas……. Name: Slick Nick Winter Ale Brewed by: Sebago Brewing Company, Portland, Maine ABV: 6% Slick Nick pours a deep amber color; pour produced a short off white head that fell to a ring around the glass. Smells of dark malts, there is a caramel sweetness and some bready notes […]
Delirium Noël Review
Name: Delirium Noël Brewed By: Brouwerij Huyghe ABV: 10% Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale Purchased: Nocturnem Draft Haus Delirium Noël poured a murky reddish-orange color with a fluffy, khaki colored head. It has a distinct smell of Belgian yeast, slightly spicy. There is a hint of burnt sugars and dark fruits, raisins are what I […]